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A Message from the Secretary-General

Secretary General for DIAMUN 2024.

Hello! My name is Anoushka Rose, and I’ll be serving as the Secretary General for DIAMUN 2024. After recovering from the calamities of COVID-19, DIAMUN welcomed fully face-to-face conference last year. It was a conflicting experience for us, as a society, to retrace our steps and restart what drove us to fulfilment post-lockdown. There was an exhilarating rush to get back on our feet, full-steam ahead. DIAMUN was no different. The newly appointed DIAMUN team strives to outdo ourselves and put our complete, collective effort into producing a conference of high rigor and quality- one that matches our excitement as we rekindle the passion we had for MUN before the world begun again. As the Secretary General, I promise to dedicate myself toward achieving new heights and curating an unforgettable event with our talented DIAMUN 2024 team. I hope to soon be impressed by what this generation’s vivacious debaters have to offer at our conference, and look forward to seeing everyone there.

This year, DIAMUN celebrates 16 years of congregating young, bright minds across the UAE and beyond. With each conference, our objective remained the same: to foster innovation and collaboration in the face of social, political, and environmental catastrophe. We’ve joined to tackle issues of injustice, corruption and war, rising dependence on technology, natural disaster and the climate crisis, and many more grave matters. Recent years have shown us what the worst can look like in the real world, and furthermore, exemplifies the thinking required to rectify these tragedies in an effective, diplomatic manner that better equips us for the future. DIAMUN is built on the belief that, together, we are capable of achieving greatness in a world plagued with adversities. At DIAMUN 2024, we aim to bring together unique opinions and powerful voices to build the tomorrow we so desire. With that, we welcome you to the conference.


In the past years, we’ve witnessed and attempted to overcome some of the world’s most perilous humanitarian challenges. From the pandemic, to the movements on racial discrimination, to the Russo-Ukraine War, to the life-threatening earthquakes and floods caused by climate change, it’s safe to say we’ve seen change and its implications on day-to-day life. When all is said and done, it’s crises like these that allow human beings to address flaws in our system and plan for the future. We’ve seen technological and agricultural advancements that could revolutionize our lifestyles, explorations that have uncovered what was previously foreign, and far more. All this is what culminates in the theme for DIAMUN 2024: Innovating Towards a Sustainable Future. Inspired by SDG goals 9, 16, and 17 as well as the 2024 Summit of the Future, an event aimed at discussing the UN Sustainable Development Goals and assembling to integrate frameworks to ensure their success, our conference wishes to encourage a flow of ideas that channel global efforts by turning vision into action. 


In light of our theme, the DIAMUN team have carefully curated a list of relevant and pressing global issues with which to devise intriguing topics for our conference. For our 16th annual conference, we propose 16 committees that approach the fundamentals of the Summit of the Future in unique ways.


Along with our 14 staples committees, we’ve introduced the United Nations Commision on Science and Technology for Development as well as UN Women. The UNCSTD, closely linked to SDG 9, celebrates the spirit with which society delves into pioneering STEM fields and utilizing it as an invaluable tool for advancement and security. Similarly, UN Women communicates ideals that are necessary for our growth as a union, linking closely to SDGs 5 and 10 and making every effort to achieve the equality required for a prosperous future. All in all, every one of our committees discuss topics pertaining to our overarching goal of building a sustainable future and safeguarding mankind’s fundamental values.


After schools reopened, conferences saw a decreased level of interest in MUN. As a community, there was a struggle to partake in and remain actively interested in an event that only occurred online or years prior. Regardless, we can certainly still see the fire and passion for MUN in the youth. This intrinsic drive to speak up, cooperate, and evolve interpersonally is what maintains the very livelihood of debate. DIAMUN achieves exactly this- an environment where like-minded individuals with vastly different cultural and personal backgrounds are able to engage in constructive communication in an exchange of perspectives. Every year, we boast hundreds of delegates and student officers from around the world, all coming together for a common goal of finding ways to make the world a better place whilst having fun doing so. That is DIAMUN. 


I feel lucky to be able to convey this message, grateful for the support of our wonderful team and the teams that came before us. As we work towards DIAMUN 2024, I wanted to share the words of Maya Angelou: “When you know better, do better.” We must never disregard or forget our downfalls. But rather, we must learn from our mistakes in order to improve as people and members of society. Every experience, like our conference, is one where you can learn and grow. We can assure you that DIAMUN 2024 will be nothing short of enlightening, and I encourage each and every one of you to adopt this mindset and continue to shape the world with every discovery.


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